FAQ Hypnosis

FAQ Hypnosis

Our best friends and our worst enemies are our thoughts. A thought can do us more good than a doctor or banker or a faithful friend. It can also do us more harm than a brick” – Dr Frank Crane

Frequently Asked Questions
A powerful tool to find your inner resources!
Give up a lifetime of struggle, the way you have shaped your reality until now.
What is Hypnosis? How does it help?
Hypnosis is best described as a very deep state of relaxation and it is a normal, natural, healthy state of mind.
You can promote amazing life changes with hypnotherapy, which reprograms your emotional attitudes and reactions. Hypnosis is the most functional and reasonable way to train life-long attitudes, rather than suffer a lifetime of emotional accidents the conscious mind is unable to change.
Hypnotherapy is a proven way to help you cope with challenges  in your life, and to let go of things you want to change.
You can improve your health, have better relationships, change unwanted behaviours.  In Australia and elsewhere throughout the world, Hypnotherapy is now recognised as a valuable therapeutic methodology.Hypnosis is not a new modality of treatment. Under a variety of names, hypnosis has been known and utilised for millenia as a means of influencing human behaviour. Therapeutic suggestion and concentration has been practised throughout the history of human endeavour, as we have sought to recognise and treat discomfort, disorder and disease. 
If you are unsure about hypnotherapy, ask Cathy if it is right for you.
What does Hypnosis feel like?
The feeling when in hypnosis is of being physically and mentally relaxed. It has been likened to the feelings we experience just before waking completely from sleep or just as we drift off to sleep. Some people say it feels like daydreaming. When in hypnosis, people experience a state of complete mental, physical and emotional relaxation. In itself, this is a very healing state. Dr Milton Erickson, a leading American hypnotherapist, described the process of clinical hypnosis as “a free period in which individuality can flourish”.
Being in hypnosis is an individual experience. Because it is a state of natural deep relaxation, many times in our daily lives we experience hypnosis without being aware of it because our subconscious mind takes over. It is completely safe, and amazingly effective.
Can Anyone be Hypnotised?
Virtually anyone can be hypnotised – some more easily than others. Like anything else in life, the more people practice self-hypnosis, the more easily they can slip into that wonderful relaxed state. The depth that people reach in hypnosis varies between individuals. It is not necessary to achieve a very deep level of hypnosis to bring about change to habits or conditions that are having a negative impact either mentally or physically.
A common myth about hypnotisability is when a person says, “No one could hypnotise me, and I’m too strong minded”. All hypnosis is self-hypnosis. A person goes into hypnosis because they choose to. So strong-minded individuals are really good candidates for hypnosis provided they are committed to wanting it to work for them.
How Long Does it take for change to take place?
Cathy works with you to find underlying issues to help you make permanent positive changes that you want for yourself.
You may need only one session, or several, depending on what you have chosen to work on in your life. Clients notice positive change from the first session. Many clients attend for only two sessions, happy to have achieved their goals with amazing fast results.
Each person has different needs and experiences, and there is flexibility to allow a unique opportunity for you to heal and change your life.
What is a Clinical Hypnotherapist?
A Clinical Hypnotherapist is really a specialist in hypnosis, using the healing state of hypnosis to work with problems or conditions that the client wishes to change.
How much does it cost?
Cathy offers value for money, keeping costs to a minimum. Why not arrange to have a complimentary 30min phone session to discuss session costs? She will assist you to quickly make valuable life changes that may take many sessions of conventional counselling to achieve.  Support CDs/recorded tracks are available for only $15. Many people spend money on trivial items and neglect their most valuable possession – their mind. When you learn to “Don’t worry be happy” your life changes remarkably, allowing you the freedom to enjoy it! Phone Cathy for more information. 20% Discounts are offered for pensioners. Remember your investment in your health will be lifelong, and most only take a short time to achieve permanent positive change.
How long are the sessions?
Cathy allows 90 minutes per session.
Can I get a rebate on my medical insurance?
Check to see if Hypnotherapy is included in your private health insurance; if so rebates are claimable as Cathy has clinical membership with AHA. Medicare does not cover the cost of hypnotherapy.

Where are you located?
Cathy practices from her clinic at Bribie Island, north of Brisbane. Arrangements can be made for her to privately visit clients by arrangement in certain circumstances. She also offers online counselling and hypnotherapy.

When I’m Hypnotised, am I unconscious?
No. When in hypnosis, the conscious mind takes a rest. Hypnosis allows client and hypnotherapist to tap into the storehouse of information that lies in the subconscious (or unconscious mind) and makes positive changes to thought patterns, habits or the effects of traumatic incidents that are having a negative impact either mentally or physically.

Will my personality be changed?
Hypnotherapy will bring out the best in you. This means that you will change by leaving behind any habits or baggage you no longer need or want and therefore become a stronger and happier person. It will help you to unlock your true potential. It just helps you to uncover your strong and good qualities, which you may not even have known you have.

How safe is hypnosis?
Hypnosis is a normal, naturally occurring, healthy state of mind. It is totally DRUG FREE. There has never been a single documented case of harm resulting from the use of hypnosis.
Leslie Le Crone, psychologist and authority on hypnosis, states: “As to self-induction, many thousands have learned it and I have yet to hear a report of any bad results of its use”.
Dr Julius Grinker states, “The so-called dangers from hypnosis are imaginary. Although I have hypnotised many hundreds of patients, I have never seen any ill effects from its use”.
Psychologist, Rafael Rhodes, in his book “Therapy Through Hypnosis”, writes: “Hypnotism is absolutely safe. There is no known case on record of harmful results from its therapeutic use”.

Would I be asked to do something against my will?
This is one of the common misunderstandings associated with hypnosis. This is probably tied in with another misconception that the hypnotherapist has control over the client. This is not the case. People will not do or say anything under hypnosis that they would not do when not in hypnosis. All hypnosis is self-hypnosis – you cannot be hypnotised against your will. This is a common misconception, which could be due to our exposure to TV shows and performances by stage hypnotists.
Research conducted at the University of NSW by Dr Amanda Barnier and reported in The Sydney Morning Herald on February 2, 1998, states that “Hypnotised people do not act like robots, nor are they powerless pawns of post-hypnotic suggestions planted in their subconscious”.

Is Hypnosis the same as Meditation?
There have been scans taken of people in a hypnotic state which show that the brain activation during hypnosis is different from when the brain is in a normal waking state, sleeping or in meditation.

Are any abilities enhanced during Hypnosis?
Yes – these are:

  • The ability to IMAGINE
  • The ability to REMEMBER
  • The ability to BE CREATIVE
  • The ability to RESPOND POSITIVELY to suggestion

Here are some examples:

The ability to IMAGINE – People in hypnosis respond extremely well to the use of imagery techniques, which have powerful benefits for change. Brain scans taken of people in hypnosis show increased activity during hypnosis, particularly in the motor and sensory area relating to heightened mental imagery. Under hypnosis the powerful benefits of imagery can be used to treat a wide range of conditions.

The ability to REMEMBER – People in hypnosis experienced a heightened sense of recall. For example, in some instances, hypnosis is used by the police to assist witnesses to recall car number plates or describe people at a crime or accident scene. The enhancement of the ability to remember in hypnosis enables the client and therapist to explore the origin or cause of the symptoms that may be causing a client distress and enable them to take an appropriate course of action.

The ability to BE CREATIVE – By having access to increased creativity in hypnosis, people are able to allow themselves to be much more creative in their thinking thus enabling them to more readily explore options and solutions to issues that are troubling them. People can also utilise the benefits of self-hypnosis in all areas of their lives that involve creativity, such as painting, writing, music, etc.

The ability to RESPOND POSITIVELY to suggestion – Working as a team, the client and clinical hypnotherapist agree on what outcomes the client is wishing to achieve. Heightened responsiveness to positive suggestion in hypnosis means that the clinical hypnotherapist can reinforce the changes the client wishes to make. This reinforcing under hypnosis is at the subconscious (or unconscious) level which is much more powerful than making the suggestions to the conscious mind.

Hypnosis is recognised by the medical profession as a useful and powerful complimentary therapy.

You can be helped to:

Manage weight: hypnosis can change your unhealthy eating habits and motivate you to exercise appropriately
Manage stress: prolonged excess stress can cause headaches, anxiety, and ulcers. Hypnosis has a proven track record in reducing stress and anxiety.
Control habitsusing hypnosis you can eliminate or control smoking, excess drinking, problem gambling and nail biting.
Enhance your performance: eliminate public speaking anxiety, improve your sports performance, get motivated and overcome procrastination by using hypnosis.
Children: help your children overcome bed-wetting, nightmares, learning difficulties and more.
Control Fear: Stop those butterflies taking over! Choose to relax at the dentist, hospital, etc.

Wealth Creation and Positive Thinking: Change your thinking for a better future.


Learn self-hypnosis and relaxation skills to enhance your life.

Lose Weight The Healthy Way

HYPNOTHERAPY is a revolutionary approach to losing weight and keeping it off.
It’s not new, it is a proven method. 

Clinical research has shown that when hypnosis is added to weight loss plans it increased weight loss by an average of 97% during treatment; and increased the effectiveness of the post treatment plan by146%. (Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 1996)

Diets often don’t work! The craving and the emotional eating are still in charge. The answer lies in changing our response to signals from the brain or behavior modification to stop self-sabotage. Stop the battle to lose weight by listening to your body, charging your metabolism and changing your mind!  



Improve your mental or physical wellbeing…
A wise old Cherokee told his grandson,” My child there’s a battle between two wolves within all of us. One is Evil – it’s anger, jealousy, greed, resentment, inferiority, lies, and ego. The other is Good – it’s joy, peace, love, hope, humility, kindness, empathy, and truth.”
The boy thought about it and asked, “Grandfather, which wolf wins?”
The old man quietly replied, “The one you feed.”

To get in touch with powerful self-help resources, counselling can help provide answers. In a confidential, supportive and non-judgemental environment, Cathy will help you to deal with your problems and concerns.

You may need several sessions, depending on your needs, and you may choose to use hypnotherapy in combination with counselling to achieve fast results.

Cathy has extensive experience in working with families in and around schools dealing with children’s academic and behaviour issues and can assist with proactive advice in support of the family unit. 

Do you need to get on track with your career or goals? Life Coaching could be your best option. Cathy has training approved by the Career Industry Council of Australia in the area of Career Advice and Counselling.

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